If you were asked to describe a car in a blurry picture, it would be difficult to give very much detail. Now if you were asked to do the same but using a pristine clear photograph, and better yet, one that was three dimensional and able to rotate, it would be much easier to describe the car. You’d be able to see if there were dents or scratches on any side of the automobile. This analogy is very similar to how a 3D CT Scanner helps Dr. Jenson see exactly what needs to be fixed with your teeth.
With a 3D digital x-ray taken at Cascade Endodontics, it becomes much easier for your endodontist to understand and see the condition of your tooth. This can help prevent wasted time and money. The other great benefit is that it can help you prevent pain. Here are some reasons to have Dr. Jenson take a look at your tooth:
- You have a dental infection
- You have had any tooth trauma that may have fractured bone or teeth roots
- You need dental surgery
- You have unresolved dental pain