If you find out you need a root canal, your first reaction might be heightened anxiety. But rest assured: at Cascade Endodontics in Orem, root canals are routine and painless, and there is no cause for alarm.
There is a lot of misinformation out there, when it comes to root canals. Because of that, root canals are the single most-feared dental procedure there is. And yet, a study has shown that most people base their fears not on first-hand experience, but on the experience of others.
Pain? What Pain?
The reason that root canals are so feared, of course, is that most people associate them not just with pain, but intense pain. But consider this: we do root canals because of an infected tooth. That in itself is extremely painful – and usually irreversible.
A root canal is going to relieve that pain.
The idea that root canals are painful goes back to an earlier era. It’s true that earlier treatment methods were painful. But we’ve come a long, long way since then. The treatment itself is more sophisticated, and sedation dentistry can address any other pain issues.
Once they have had a root canal, most people say they didn’t have any pain during their appointment. Not only that, they say they feel better, because the pain from the infected tooth is gone.
At Cascade Endodontics in Orem, root canals are among our specialties. We provide sedation dentistry to help patients manage anxiety or any pain. Schedule an appointment with us today.
Jon Jenson DDS
Cascade Endodontics
1375 E 800 N Ste 203
Orem, UT 84097