If you are anticipating a root canal procedure, you may be wondering what you can expect. At Cascade Endodontics in Utah County, your root canal procedure can often be completed in just one day, however more than one visit is usually necessary for patients interested in conscious sedation or with highly infected teeth. The following list outlines the basic process of the root canal procedure:
- Initial Consultation: At your initial consultation, endodontist Dr. Jon Jenson will assess your situation and take x-rays of your teeth to look for any infection in the tissues and bones surrounding your teeth. If you are not interested in conscious sedation or IV sedation, you may be able to have your root canal procedure performed in the same visit.
- Local Anesthesia: Before your procedure, you will be given local anesthesia to numb any pain that you might feel.
- Clean Root Canal: During the root canal procedure, endodontist Dr. Jon Jenson will open up the tooth, take out the infected pulp, and thoroughly clean the root canals and pulp chamber in the tooth. If your tooth is highly infected, he may administer some medication to clean out the extra bacteria.
- Filling and Sealing: After cleaning the infection out of the tooth, Dr. Jon Jenson will fill and seal your tooth.
- Dental Restoration: After your root canal procedure, you will likely be referred to a restorative dentist who can design a customized dental crown to fit over the top of your tooth. This dental crown seals off your tooth from bacteria in the saliva that might cause additional decay or infection.
At Cascade Endodontics, we take care to uphold the highest safety standards to protect each patient during root canal therapy. We adhere to rigorous standards of infection control and use sterilization and barrier techniques to prevent any risk or infection or contamination. With proper care, a root canal can last as long as your natural teeth.
To learn more about the root canal procedure, call Cascade Endodontics in Utah County at 801-404-5810 to schedule an initial consultation with endodontist Dr. Jon Jenson.