Root canals are not nearly as fearsome as popular culture has made them out to be. Sometimes people equate them with medieval torture, but the truth, as is often the case, is far removed from that. At Cascade Endodontics in Orem, modern dentistry has made root canal therapy about like having a cavity filled.
Root canal therapy is formally known as endodontics. It treats the soft pulp tissue inside teeth when it becomes infected. While root canals have the reputation of being painful, the opposite is really the case: rather than cause pain, they relieve it.
But at Cascade Endodontics, we understand that everyone has their own pain threshold. It is not our place to say a procedure will not cause any discomfort. That is why we offer three levels of sedation that will help even the most apprehensive patients get through their root canals, and emerge with their infection gone and tooth intact.
- Level One. Nitrous oxide, known popularly as laughing gas, has a long history in dentistry; it has been used as an anesthesia for more than one hundred years. It produces a giddy feeling in most patients (hence its nickname) and relieves anxiety.
- Level Two. This combines nitrous oxide with a sedative that you take before the procedure. It produces an even deeper level of relaxation than Level One: so much so, that you are required to have someone drive you to and from your appointment. We also schedule an evaluation prior to settling on this method.
- Level Three. Our strongest method is IV sedation. Administered by an anesthesiolotist, it has a sleep-like effect. As with Level Two, we’ll schedule an evaluation appointment first, and you will need a ride to and from our office.
Once your root canal therapy is over you will be back to normal. That means you’ll be pain-free, because your infected tooth has been fixed.
Sedation dentistry from Cascade Endodontics in Orem may be just what you need to get you through your root canal. Ask about it during your initial consultation.
Jon Jenson DDS
Cascade Endodontics
1375 E 800 N Ste 203
Orem, UT 84097