First things first: Cascade Endodontics wants to applaud you. If you’ve searched or stumbled upon this blog, that means you’re doing the due diligence needed to take care of a dental issue. Whether you’re experiencing tooth pain that makes it hard to eat those sugary treats you love, or if you’ve injured a tooth and are looking for expert treatment in the Orem area, we thank you for taking your dental health into your own hands.
We’re Not Playing around at Cascade Endodontics
Hello! If you’ve been to our blog before, you’ll know the basics of what Dr. Jon Jenson of Cascade Endodontics does. As a board certified endodontist and member of the Utah Association of Endodontics and American Association of Endodontists, Dr. Jenson specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases, infections, and trauma affecting dental pulp and nerves.
Sedation Dentistry + Root Canal = Relief
Sedation dentistry is available in the Provo, Orem and Utah County area and is a great option to get your needed dental care.
Nutcracker Or Tooth Cracker Season?
One concern on many endodontists’ minds is the type of candies and foods that are in abundance during this time of year. Sometimes it seems like the season of the “Tooth Cracker.”
Tooth Injury!!! What Do I Do Now?
If it is only the tooth that is involved, it is important to go to your endodontist because they are trained in this area and the hospital will not be able to save the tooth.
What Utah County Should Expect Post Root Canal Treatment
So how do you tell the difference between healthy tenderness and signs that your root canal may not have been successful?